
Everything Including the Kitchen Sink: Working With General Contractors

Shopping for Plasterboard? 3 Types You Should Know and Where to Best Use Them

If you are having a remodelling project in your home, chances are you are thinking of installing plasterboard. This material is excellent for use in your walls and ceilings for protection against things such as moisture or even fire. Plasterboards can also be used to provide sound insulation. While all types of plasterboard are usually made from the same material (a plaster of compressed gypsum), treatment methods used are often different. Read More 

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Everything Including the Kitchen Sink: Working With General Contractors

When you hire a general contractor, you are truly hiring a Renaissance person. They don't just know about roofs or sinks, plumbing or electrics. They know about it all, and their expertise can be critical as you work on your home. Hi! My name is Wanda, and I love projects. However, I could have never accomplished many of my biggest project without the help of a contractor. In this blog, I am going to give you all the tips you need to work with a contractor. Want to know how to find one? Which questions to ask? Which materials are the best? I plan to write about all of that and more. I hope that you like my blog. Thanks for reading!