Shopping for Plasterboard? 3 Types You Should Know and Where to Best Use Them
If you are having a remodelling project in your home, chances are you are thinking of installing plasterboard. This material is excellent for use in your walls and ceilings for protection against things such as moisture or even fire. Plasterboards can also be used to provide sound insulation. While all types of plasterboard are usually made from the same material (a plaster of compressed gypsum), treatment methods used are often different. This means the type of plasterboard you use on your ceiling would not work as effective on your walls. Knowing where each type of plasterboard would be used most effectively is essential. Here are some of the available types.
Standard/Basic Plasterboard
This is one of the most common types of plasterboard you will come across. It is usually lighter compared to the other types of plasterboards, which is why if you need plasterboard for your ceiling, you should consider this type. Plasterboards are often covered and these covers come in a range of colours to make it easier for you to differentiate the various types. Standard or basic plasterboards are in most cases white.
Mildew/Mould Resistant Plasterboard
The surface paper of this plasterboard has some absorption properties. The paper is also sometimes waxy to enable the plasterboard to resist mould, mildew, and some levels of moisture. However, remember that this type of plasterboard will only be most suitable in an area with intermittent levels of moisture, particularly the mould-prone areas. For instance, this plasterboard would be suitable for use in areas such as kitchen and bathroom walls where only splashes of water are expected to be on walls and for a short period too. These plasterboards may have blue backing.
Moisture Resistant Plasterboard
Moisture resistant doesn't mean your plasterboard will be completely waterproof. However, you can use the plasterboard in areas that experience slightly higher levels of humidity or infiltration of moisture over an extended period. These types of plasterboards are usually treated with some petroleum-based products to give them their moisture resistance properties. Moisture-resistant plasterboards are ideal for use on areas such as your basement walls to withstand the relatively higher humidity that such spaces in your home have. Most moisture resistant plasterboards have a green covering.
Mould and moisture resistant plasterboards may sometimes cost you more than their basic counterparts. However, they are worth the investment because if you use the basic models on areas such as your bathroom or basement, they will be prone to warping due to the humidity levels.